Fun Flame Topics = Non-Politcally Correct Campaign Ideas
(too old to reply)
Dr. Games (Rich Staats)
2007-05-22 17:35:11 UTC

I thought that this might be a good place to generate some discussion.

I have posted some non-politically correct campaign settings at:

<a href="http://www.drgames.org/inline.htm">Dr. Games RPG Site</a>.

Take a look and provide your unvarnished feedback.

In service,

Ed Chauvin IV
2007-05-22 21:18:49 UTC
Mere moments before death, "Dr. Games (Rich Staats)"
Post by Dr. Games (Rich Staats)
I thought that this might be a good place to generate some discussion.
<a href="http://www.drgames.org/inline.htm">Dr. Games RPG Site</a>.
Take a look and provide your unvarnished feedback.
Almost entirely uninteresting. Barely a hint of Political
Incorrectness in any of them, and none of them any of the "fun" PI
themes. I suppose this is what happens when you try to be PI for its
own sake.
DISCLAIMER : WARNING: RULE # 196 is X-rated in that to calculate L,
use X = [(C2/10)^2], and RULE # 193 which is NOT meant to be read by
kids, since RULE # 187 EXPLAINS homosexuality mathematically, using
modifier G @ 11.

"I always feel left out when someone *else* gets killfiled."
--Terry Austin