Post by s***@sonic.netWhat was it that happened?
I was on the receiving end of a lot of "Your play style shows
that you are mentally ill and sexually deviant"
Your play style, of course, jack-all about YOU... except, maybe,
that you're pickier than most of us in that you don't play with
lots of others, any more.
FWIW, Mary -- You were one of the 2-3 people whose posts were
*the* core of why I read r.g.f.a (when I read regularly). Not
that I always agreed with you, of course, but you were always
interesting and often insightful.
and the newsgroup did not seem to be able
to manage the problems that led to this.
Well, no. My experience of usenet is that (unmoderated)
newsgroups can seldom "manage" anything at all...
We lost the sort of consensus that allows effective netcopping
and it just stopped working.
By "netcopping" do you mean group consensus & social pressure
keeping flames & trolls to a minimum? That *seems* to be what
you're talking about...
Post by s***@sonic.netPost by Mary K. KuhnerRec.arts.sf.composition shows that you can have a viable unmoderated
group, though it takes significant care and attention.
It's not the only NG that's successfully fighting off spammers / etc...
.advocacy's problem was definitely not spammers, and the trolls
were the local variety, not just interlopers. The whole
tone of the discussion went downhill, I think.
I see... given that .advocacy is chartered for flame-ish sorts of
topics, there isn't much chance of appeal to outside authority.
Post by s***@sonic.netTechnically, it *appears* that "r.g.f.a classic" content belongs over
on .misc; that might be one option to keep in mind. Another might be
to newgroup r.g.f.discuss or some such, with a clear charter and some
folks willing to play netcop in the hardball leagues.
I'm not willing to read rgf.misc. The signal to noise is too low.
Well, that /is/ a killer. S:N loss doesn't yield sustainable groups.
I'd support a new newsgroup if it seemed likely to improve over
the one we have, but honestly, I doubt charter matters that much
anymore. ISPs don't enforce content; we're lucky if they go after
overt spammers anymore.
Please note that *IF* you have a distinct charter, and *IF* you both
netcop it rigorously (in the sense of reporting charter violations to
the ISP of the violator, and not allowing violating posts to either
remain unchallenged, or generate much discussion (except for that on
the issue of charter-violations & netcopping)), you CAN get a largely
on-topic NG. It takes a really dedicated team of netcops, though;
skilled at tracking the OP's originating IP/ISP and NSP, and numerous
enough to generate so many complaints to "***@..." / etc that the
ISP's will shut down TOS/AUP - violating accounts.
I think we're just as well off with the group we have,
and an advantage is that it's apparently still in the
.newsrc of a lot of its previous members.
It's certainly well-worth another stab, IMHO.
We should find some way to kill the FAQ as it has probably outlived
its usefulness.
FAQ's are informal, and relatively-easily changed/
There's actually a formal process around charters, and they're
MUCH harder to change.
Steve Saunders
to de-spam me, de-capitalize me