2006-12-04 17:29:05 UTC
For the longest time I used to make fun of simple game design with the
line "well, we could always just roll a d6 each with high roll winning
the combat..."
And for the longest time I avoided buying Game Workshop LotR figures
because of the expense despite my use of figures and despite my
campaign being set in Middle Earth. I finally broke down (nice figures,
cost too much- but nice figures) and spent some money. I also said
"what the heck?", and brought the rules too thinking it would make a
nice beer and pretzels game.
And what do I find as the melee combat rule? Each combatant rolls a d6
with the high score winning.
Sigh, this is the state of wargaming in 2006. Upon the heels of the
threads here about high level D&D, I'm beginning to wonder if there is
anyone designing games for the players of the triple digit IQ club
That said there's actually more to it than high roll wins. Not a lot
more mind, but it may be enough to actually work in a weird way. If you
don't watch too close... maybe...
I'll find out after a few test games. And it was suppose to be beer and
pretzels. I could always pull out AoH for a serious game (it works
wonderful for anything less than 400 figures on the board and this game
is limited to 300 max under normal conditions).
Nice figures.
line "well, we could always just roll a d6 each with high roll winning
the combat..."
And for the longest time I avoided buying Game Workshop LotR figures
because of the expense despite my use of figures and despite my
campaign being set in Middle Earth. I finally broke down (nice figures,
cost too much- but nice figures) and spent some money. I also said
"what the heck?", and brought the rules too thinking it would make a
nice beer and pretzels game.
And what do I find as the melee combat rule? Each combatant rolls a d6
with the high score winning.
Sigh, this is the state of wargaming in 2006. Upon the heels of the
threads here about high level D&D, I'm beginning to wonder if there is
anyone designing games for the players of the triple digit IQ club
That said there's actually more to it than high roll wins. Not a lot
more mind, but it may be enough to actually work in a weird way. If you
don't watch too close... maybe...
I'll find out after a few test games. And it was suppose to be beer and
pretzels. I could always pull out AoH for a serious game (it works
wonderful for anything less than 400 figures on the board and this game
is limited to 300 max under normal conditions).
Nice figures.