Erol K. Bayburt
2006-08-31 03:31:02 UTC
In my games, I have a suprisingly difficult time setting the power
level of my NPC bad guys so that they are not either (a) so weak that
the regular authorities would have swept them up & disposed of them as
a matter of routine, nor (b) so strong as to be an unstoppable
juggernaut that the PC heroes can't do a thing against.
So I thought I'd ask the people I know are lurking in this apparently
dead group: How do you do it? How do you adjust villain strength so
that it's "just right" - neither too strong nor too weak?
To give a specific case, I've got a more-or-less standard medievaloid
setting with magic that much weaker than D&D-land but also more common
(spells are very roughly equivalent to D&D 0-level to 2nd level, but
wizards can cast dozens of them over the course of a day). In this
setting, I have an evil, human-sacrificing, vaguely Lovecraftian cult
as the main bad guys. What level should I set their power at so that
the cult will neither be wiped out nor logically be In Charge of the
various kingdoms?
What tricks can I use to make them a persistant, unstamp-outable
annoyance that occasionally flares into deadliness, without them
turning into an unstoppable lethal force that devours everything in
its path like a swarm of mutant flesh-eating cockroaches?
level of my NPC bad guys so that they are not either (a) so weak that
the regular authorities would have swept them up & disposed of them as
a matter of routine, nor (b) so strong as to be an unstoppable
juggernaut that the PC heroes can't do a thing against.
So I thought I'd ask the people I know are lurking in this apparently
dead group: How do you do it? How do you adjust villain strength so
that it's "just right" - neither too strong nor too weak?
To give a specific case, I've got a more-or-less standard medievaloid
setting with magic that much weaker than D&D-land but also more common
(spells are very roughly equivalent to D&D 0-level to 2nd level, but
wizards can cast dozens of them over the course of a day). In this
setting, I have an evil, human-sacrificing, vaguely Lovecraftian cult
as the main bad guys. What level should I set their power at so that
the cult will neither be wiped out nor logically be In Charge of the
various kingdoms?
What tricks can I use to make them a persistant, unstamp-outable
annoyance that occasionally flares into deadliness, without them
turning into an unstoppable lethal force that devours everything in
its path like a swarm of mutant flesh-eating cockroaches?
Erol K. Bayburt
Erol K. Bayburt