2004-11-24 08:22:00 UTC
Is d20 without levels possible?
We have classless d20 (Mutants and Masterminds). If I wrote a
level-less d20 would it still be d20?
Suppose I adjusted it to have higher amounts of XPs for the
level advancement (exponential scale like 1e) and gave only half
a hit die per level - would that be d20?
Is d20 just the core mechanic for handling conflicts, skills and
feats, etc OR does d20 also include the rules for generating
characters and character development?
In advance to all those out there who are going to tell me to
use something else - apart from d20 - I already know of 1000
such rule systems but..., The first thing people say to me when
I try to recruit them is "Is it D&D", the second thing they say
is "I haven't time to learn yet another rule system". I went to
the trouble of writing my background for Tri-Stat - but couldn't
find any takers. When I said it was "like BESM" - that just made
things worse - they thought I wanted them to play an Anime
character. I'm thinking that if I have rules based on d20 - I
will be able to say to them "Yes - it's very like D&D" (lying
through my teeth, because the only resemblance to D&D will be
the core mechanic).
We have classless d20 (Mutants and Masterminds). If I wrote a
level-less d20 would it still be d20?
Suppose I adjusted it to have higher amounts of XPs for the
level advancement (exponential scale like 1e) and gave only half
a hit die per level - would that be d20?
Is d20 just the core mechanic for handling conflicts, skills and
feats, etc OR does d20 also include the rules for generating
characters and character development?
In advance to all those out there who are going to tell me to
use something else - apart from d20 - I already know of 1000
such rule systems but..., The first thing people say to me when
I try to recruit them is "Is it D&D", the second thing they say
is "I haven't time to learn yet another rule system". I went to
the trouble of writing my background for Tri-Stat - but couldn't
find any takers. When I said it was "like BESM" - that just made
things worse - they thought I wanted them to play an Anime
character. I'm thinking that if I have rules based on d20 - I
will be able to say to them "Yes - it's very like D&D" (lying
through my teeth, because the only resemblance to D&D will be
the core mechanic).