[LONG] Introduction of newbie players: Success!
(too old to reply)
Ben Finney
2007-05-06 13:49:33 UTC
Howdy all,

After talking with some friends about getting a role-playing group
started, and gathering a small group of interested players, I planned
an adventure to introduce them all to the game and find out their play
styles. The adventure was run today, in a single afternoon; it was
proclaimed a success. I thought I'd write this message to share some
details of how it worked out to help others in a similar situation.

I used GURPS for this, and discuss some specifics in this text; but
the bulk of it applies to anyone considering running an introductory
session for players in any role-playing game system.

Asking among my friends I found many who weren't interested, but
eventually came up with a group of three players: one who had played
many sessions of various games years ago, one who had played only a
single adventure that didn't go very well, and one who thought RPGs
sounded geeky but was willing to try it out.

Through describing the proposed game and style to these people, I
found that the approach that worked best was to emphasise the
collective, participatory nature of it, and downplay my role as GM. I
used the "collaborative story telling" phrase that I've heard
elsewhere[0]; that seemed to best give people an idea of how the game
would take place.

Though I had in mind a campaign in a space empire setting, I received
consistent advice from r.g.f.advocacy that, for a new group of
roleplayers, some of whom had very little experience, I should start
off with a canned, one-shot adventure using characters that I made for
the purpose. I found some adventures that interested me, and presented
one-sentence summaries of them to the players individually. The one
that gained most interest was _Time of the Tyrants_, an adventure
article from _Pyramid_ magazine. I prepped for that.

The adventure and rules were fairly familiar to me, but I only had a
week to prepare; it was either that or wait for a month or more, and I
wanted instead to get these people while the interest was still

I spent my time on the following preparation activities:

* Character generation, including complete, action-hero characters,
but also including many aspects of the character's personality,
style, and outward appearance: things with zero game-rules effect,
but which would be a source of creative material to help the
players get into the role.

* Lots of 70×120 mm index cards with adventure information, some
summarised from the adventure text but mostly written by me.

* One card for each scene, giving description of the scene,
success result, failure result (both of which contain a way to
proceed the story), and one thing that must happen somehow no
matter how the scene plays out -- i.e. the point of the scene in
the story.

* One card for each physical location in the adventure that a
scene might occur in. A few words for each of: space, light
level, climate, dominant colours, sights, sounds, smells, and

* One card for each NPC: one side giving a compact character
sheet, and the other giving outward appearance: height, weight,
age, features, face, dress, motion, voice, demeanour, and a
typical quote.

* One card for each of the types of dinosaur (the adventure
features lots of them), with just the character-sheet side
filled in.

* One card for each PC, giving the outward-appearance information
in the same format, and the other side giving background points,
significant relations, and motivations.

* A single card giving recent events in the 1930s, to get the
players quickly into the feel of the era. _GURPS Cliffhangers_
was invaluable for this.

* A couple of cards giving weapon statistics for every weapon the
PCs were likely to have.

* Photos and images for every creature, PC, NPC, and location. For
the dinosaurs, I scanned my cards from the _Dino Hunt_ card game,
and freely substituted one dinosaur picture for a similar dinosaur
description if I didn't have a direct match. For the characters, I
spent hours on IMDb getting actor portfolio photos. For locations,
there is a lot of tagged photography on Flickr or Google Images.

* _One Page GURPS_ handout for every player: a quick summary of the
game mechanics, and the meaning of the main points of interest for
interpreting the character sheet.

This was all a lot of effort, but I felt that my main task was not to
learn the text of the adventure as written, or design well-balanced,
optimised characters. Instead, I took on the task of being ready for
improvisation, coming up with quick answers and bullet-point
descriptions with which to help the players understand what their
characters were experiencing. I had to stop myself writing things in
prose, and instead go for *coverage* of the material and *breadth* of
sensory descriptions.

As a consequence, I did almost no embellishment of the adventure
plot. Instead, the format I chose for locations, scenes, and character
descriptions forced me to come up with many *ways* of describing each
of them, rather than a lot of detailed prose on each one. The
interesting effect I found was that having the structured format for
these items meant that I was forced to be creative, *ahead* of time
when I could afford to take several minutes to think of an answer,
rather than not have that answer at all during play.

Being an introduction to role-playing for two of my players, I did
decide to change the plot of the adventure in one way. Rather than
start with "you have all been called together for blah blah blah, your
mission is yak yak, how will you go about it" -- I took a cue from one
of the PCs, to whom I had given the disadvantage of "Nightmares".

I decided that the plot would begin with *no* introduction, instead
immediately describing all the characters naked and running through a
dark forest, pursued by a monster that turns out to be a dinosaur; and
use the game mechanics to play out this scene however the players
decided to react. Then, once the scene had take a few interesting
points and required a few game mechanics to resolve, the character
with Nightmares would wake up in a cold sweat, realising it was all a

This turned out to be a great success. Having lunched with the
players, handed over their characters, let them read about and to each
other about who they were and what their backgrounds were, this sudden
fight-or-flight scene with no explanation was an ideal way to snap
them to attention and get them using the game mechanics in
earnest. Maybe some players would be put off by such an introduction,
but my players found it a fun, risk-free way to learn how the game
would work -- and also introduce the plot, because the nightmare led
naturally into the "here's why you're here" scene, which I described
as a past event, *leading to* the nightmare as a result.

The rest of the adventure proceeded well from that point. Having got
their attention, I was able to keep it by using several different
senses of each location, several different external points of each
character, and making sure to mix up which of these I would use for
each one, so that the total effect was that the descriptions, while
short, were very varied and easily memorable to the players.

Using the printed images and photos was also a great aid as well.
Putting an image down and *then* describing the salient points of the
location/character/creature, meant that I didn't have to *name*
anything: the dinosaurs never got named, and the characters were often
already well described before they got introduced by name. The players
all thanked me for this help, giving them something to focus on and
differentiate people and places as we charged through the adventure.

Running the game turned out to be more chaotic than I remembered from
previous times; this was likely because of a longish hiatus in my
GMing, but also because I had to explain the rules as we went along
(the new players would never have stood by for a long rules
introduction before play, so this was the only option for learning the

Here again, the preparation paid off: I had all the necessary
game-mechanic details of equipment, locations, characters, and
creatures in a box of index cards. Leafing through books happened a
few times, but if I couldn't find the answer in fifteen seconds, I
fudged a result. No-one minded, because they were enjoying the steady
pace of the story.

I was also able to avoid the impression of railroading the players by
allowing them to choose how to proceed, and making sure the
appropriate prepared scene happened in the places they chose to
go. Both success and failure were defined for each scene, meaning that
I knew how much to help the PCs or NPCs in the next scene, and also
had a way of getting them there.

I asked the players afterward if they felt like they were in charge of
the story and they gave a resounding affirmative. Having lots of
immediately-understandable information and clear game mechanics with
prompt answers from the GM meant they felt in control of their
actions. Having interesting things happen relevant to the places they
chose to go, it felt like *they* were the ones driving where the story
went, which was of course true.

Everyone was excited by the idea of playing another, multi-session
adventure next time. The newbie roleplayers had found their groove,
and were encouraged by their introductory adventure that *they* asked
*me* for access to the rules to make their own characters -- a
complete reversal of their attitudes before we played, where they said
they didn't want to do a whole lot of character preparation. This was,
of course, the desired result: I'd showed them how the GURPS rules
could be used to create interesting, detailed characters with
directly-understandable effects on the game mechanics.

Things I'd do differently next time I need to introduce GURPS and/or
role-playing to a new group:

* Try to get the players together to discuss it, rather than trying
in one-on-one meetings to garner interest. This was constrained by
mismatched schedules, but it was a significant (months-long) delay
to have to discuss things pre-game with everyone individually.

I'd try hard to get together for a dinner or something and spend
time discussing with all of them, to keep the interest alive. I
lost a couple of potential players because it was simply too long
between when I got their interest and when I said we were ready to
set a date.

* Try to find a group of *all* newbies. While the players worked
well together, the fact that one of them had RPG experience meant
the tendency was for them to defer to him for ideas. I had to work
hard to get ideas from the newbie players, and perhaps would find
it easier if there wasn't a clearly dominant player.

* Choose an even simpler adventure. _Time of the Tyrants_ was great
fun, but it really needs two or three sessions to do it justice,
especially with a group learning how to play. We crammed it into
seven hours, which was draining on all concerned. They won their
victory fair and square, but I had to strip the ending down a lot
to get to the resolution.

* Have at least one large map ready for a full-blown combat, even if
I don't use tactical combat rules (which I wouldn't do with a new
group in any case). Simply being able to see relative positions of
situations was very important, simply for helping the new players
keep track of what was going on. A scribbled pencil map, and using
dice for miniatures, was sufficient, but would have been better
with simple figures and a prepared map.

* Use a table big enough to have the GM screen off to one side, so
that I've got somewhere to keep all my notes accessible but
hidden, but don't have a barrier separating me from the
players. Moving it as far to one side as I could on the small
table was nevertheless a big improvement in getting the players'
attention and involvement.

* Drink and eat stuff without so much sugar in it. Crashing from a
sugar high several hours into a session isn't good for the

Things that worked great, and will be repeated:

* Using GURPS. The fact that its core mechanics are simple, can be
essentially explained in a minute, and that it encourages as much
up-front calculation as possible to allow pre-figured quantities
to be used in play, meant that I could do all my preparation work
and run from compact index cards for everything without extensive
referral to the rule books.

GURPS was also useful in its flexibility and descriptiveness. The
players were able to guess what most of their abilities meant,
once they knew where to look, because they're named by what they
do for the most part. The adventure chosen involved time travel,
1930s pulp heroes, ultra-tech bad guys, and dinosaurs; the
consistent handling of all this by GURPS meant that they never got
tripped up by weirdness in the rules, and were able to explore any
conceivable option and have me quickly describe a playable game
mechanic for it.

* I converted all GURPS statistics and mechanics to use SI (metric)
units, since we don't live in the USA. This was invisible to the
players -- they never knew it was any other way -- but it made
things much smoother, as they were able to understand measurements
without needing to convert them all the time in their head.

* Stripping back the rules, and fudging results to keep the story
moving. During initial discussion about game style, all the
players were concerned about any exciting scenes slowing down and
devolving into arcane rules discussions -- the experienced
roleplayer because that's what his previous games had been like,
and the newbies because that's the stereotypical image. Keeping it
light meant that I could hand each player as much game-mechanic
involvement as they wanted, and fudge the rest.

* Using a one-shot adventure with disposable, GM-created
characters. Their first session isn't the time to be getting the
players into long abstract discussion of how abilities will work
in play, before actually playing a game. The characters they play
will be useful for inspiring them, but they shouldn't be tied to
their initial character choices until they have some play

The introductory adventure should also be playable in a single
session; getting the rush of a complete adventure with a
resolution is a big motivator to wanting to play some more.

* Making a variety of brief flavour material available in summary
form to the players about their characters, and just as
importantly, making it clear that it was all optional -- they were
to come up with their own characterisation using the material as
inspiration, not doctrine. They were empowered by this, and made
great use of their characters, right off the bat.

It also got them immediately interested in "fixing" what I had
done with the characters by making their own next time -- just
what I wanted.

* Starting with action straight away, as a way to get the players
immediately using the game mechanics to learn by example. The fact
that I gave *no* plot introduction until after this scene was over
worked in my favour here: the players had no information to work
with except their characters' immediate situation, so they were
free to make quick decisions about what to do without considering
what this meant for the plot. It was also obvious to them that I
wouldn't let any of the players get removed from play without
first understanding what the hell the story was; but it was also
clear that they didn't yet know quite what the consequences
*would* be, so they made their decisions earnestly, and learned

* The bait-and-switch. I can't take credit for this, it's part of
the adventure as written: a trip back to the Cretaceous to
photograph dinosaurs turns out to have a totally different purpose
when they discover what's waiting for them there. Done right, in a
way that doesn't make the players complain "this isn't what we
signed up for", it gives the players a sense of discovery and
surprise, and they feel like they're also in control of the goals:
they choose to abandon or de-emphasise their initial goal in
favour of pursuing the more important one.

It does need a decent initial hook though. It was clear that "you
go back in time to photograph dinosaurs" didn't have much appeal
for the newbie players; it was only with the "... and, of course,
something goes horribly wrong and you have an even bigger
adventure" that I managed to get them to agree, without revealing
what the twist was. When it was over, of course, they thanked me
for the plot twist; but if I had to do it again, I'd make the
initial hook something more appealing.

* Shredding a linear plot into component scenes, and creating hooks
for each scene to progress the story without dictating what the
next scene must be. I was able to spin a consistent story that
went wherever the players wanted, and while many of the scenes
went unused, I was glad to have all of them there as material to
immediately draw on for progressing the story.

* Describing scenes, locations, characters, and creatures using
suggestive bullet-point phrases in the formal descriptive
structures shown above, rather than blocks of prose with mostly
abstract or visual description. This was a gold mine of creative
inspiration during play; rather than confused looks and distracted
players, I had them hanging on my words as I talked about sounds,
smells, temperature, textures, and insignificant but evocative

I was also able to pick and choose how to characterise NPCs based
on their external descriptions using many facets, which naturally
involved the players in interacting with them rather than waiting
for a description to be fed to them.

* A big climactic conflict or combat scene. Keeping the rules simple
meant all the players were itching to test their capabilities
against the bad guys, and this was definitely the high point of
the adventure for everyone -- not least because it proceeded at a
faster pace than any other combat I've run :-) This pace allowed
me to spend more time on colourful descriptions of actions,
sparking off the ideas the players expressed before and during the

* Pictures, props, and anything else to look at or handle. The focus
and ideas this gave to the players made them immediately more a
part of the environment, and made them react far more as their
characters might. When describing how nasty a dinosaur's claws
were, they weren't thinking impassively in terms of game
statistics: they were looking at the actual claws, and reacting
viscerally to it as their characters would.

This game was a blast for me to run, even though I'm exhausted as I
write this. I got a lot of help online from discussions and articles,
and I hope that this write-up can help some future GM plan a successful
introductory role-playing session for a group of newbies, using GURPS
or any other simple, flexible system.

Thanks for reading this far, and good luck in your gaming!

[0] From William H. Stoddard, but it probably didn't originate with
\ "All persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental." -- |
`\ _Timequake_, Kurt Vonnegut |
_o__) |
Ben Finney
2007-05-07 18:47:12 UTC
Post by Ben Finney
The adventure was run today, in a single afternoon; it was
proclaimed a success.
Gratz are in order then, although for myself I'd consider that much
work to be something less than a success :)

One question. Is this how you normally run your games?
Ben Finney
2007-05-08 01:06:53 UTC
Post by gleichman
Post by Ben Finney
The adventure was run today, in a single afternoon; it was
proclaimed a success.
Gratz are in order then, although for myself I'd consider that much
work to be something less than a success :)
The work was mostly in organisation of existing material, and in
point-form notes for creative inspiration. It was a trade-off: rather
than fumbling to teach the group how to play *and* try to be inventive
on the spot, I opted for putting in the right preparation that allowed
me to make things up *consistently* on the day, in quick response to
what the players wanted.
Post by gleichman
One question. Is this how you normally run your games?
Normally the preparation would be less intense, because I wouldn't be
trying to prep characters, adventure, and newbie material in a single
week. I wanted to get this new group into an exciting, fast-moving
game, so I tried to make sure the players had answers quickly, either
to hand in the sheets and reference cards I prepared, or from my head
prompted by the material behind the screen.

Having learned from this, though, I'll definitely be doing the scene,
location, NPC, and statistics prep on index cards for any future
sessions: that was such a superior method to relying on the rulebooks
that I don't want to go back.
\ "I used to be an airline pilot. I got fired because I kept |
`\ locking the keys in the plane. They caught me on an 80 foot |
_o__) stepladder with a coathanger." -- Steven Wright |
Ben Finney
2007-05-08 15:16:26 UTC
Post by Ben Finney
Having learned from this, though, I'll definitely be doing the scene,
location, NPC, and statistics prep on index cards for any future
sessions: that was such a superior method to relying on the rulebooks
that I don't want to go back.
I've long used index cards or index card sized write-ups for NPCs and
the like for my fantasy game. Doesn't work so well for any but the
most basic HERO system creations.

It's a rare event for me to pull out a rulebook. For a while a new
player to the group would try and trip me up on something, after a
long string of failures and one success (a rule change between 4th &
5th edition that I housed ruled back later)- he gave up.

He still uses it as an aid for deciding his own options.

I don't plan out setting/scene in any detail before hand. Too much
work and the gain would be minor if any for my style.
Peter Knutsen
2007-05-26 13:22:27 UTC
Post by Ben Finney
Howdy all,
After talking with some friends about getting a role-playing group
started, and gathering a small group of interested players, I planned
an adventure to introduce them all to the game and find out their play
styles. The adventure was run today, in a single afternoon; it was
proclaimed a success. I thought I'd write this message to share some
details of how it worked out to help others in a similar situation.
I used GURPS for this, and discuss some specifics in this text; but
the bulk of it applies to anyone considering running an introductory
session for players in any role-playing game system.
Either way, it's not as if GURPS is an at all "arcane" system.
Post by Ben Finney
Asking among my friends I found many who weren't interested, but
eventually came up with a group of three players: one who had played
many sessions of various games years ago, one who had played only a
single adventure that didn't go very well, and one who thought RPGs
sounded geeky but was willing to try it out.
I think that first player was a great benefit to your intro session.
Post by Ben Finney
Through describing the proposed game and style to these people, I
found that the approach that worked best was to emphasise the
collective, participatory nature of it, and downplay my role as GM. I
used the "collaborative story telling" phrase that I've heard
elsewhere[0]; that seemed to best give people an idea of how the game
would take place.
My preference is for "competetive storytelling", since that's what is
actually going on between the denizens of the campaign world. Sauron
wants to tell a story about how he achieves world domination. Gandalf
wants to tell a story about how Middle Earth is saved from Evil(tm), and
so forth. Since we have disagreement, the characters must "game it out"
to see who wins and thus gets to tell the story he wants.
Post by Ben Finney
Though I had in mind a campaign in a space empire setting, I received
consistent advice from r.g.f.advocacy that, for a new group of
roleplayers, some of whom had very little experience, I should start
off with a canned, one-shot adventure using characters that I made for
the purpose. I found some adventures that interested me, and presented
one-sentence summaries of them to the players individually. The one
that gained most interest was _Time of the Tyrants_, an adventure
article from _Pyramid_ magazine. I prepped for that.
The adventure and rules were fairly familiar to me, but I only had a
week to prepare; it was either that or wait for a month or more, and I
wanted instead to get these people while the interest was still
* Character generation, including complete, action-hero characters,
Heh, that's similar to the work I'll have to do once the alpha version
of Modern Action RPG is complete. My current decision, although that may
change, is to only make "unfinished" characters, in the sense that I'll
spend 165-185 points, and then give the end user various suggestions for
how he can spend the remaininig 35-15 points, along with advice about
the consequences.

Something similar could be done in GURPS, or any other system with
point-based character creation.
Post by Ben Finney
but also including many aspects of the character's personality,
style, and outward appearance: things with zero game-rules effect,
but which would be a source of creative material to help the
players get into the role.
How many characters did you make? I'd say that with 3 players, offering
them a choice from 5 pre-gens would be the absolute minimum I'd find
acceptable, and I'd really prefer 7. I'd also say that more than 8 would
be overkill for a group of newbies, for only 3 players, although the
consequence of this might be to not offer certain character concepts or
archetypes, which would be regrettable.

Also, did you give the player group collective advice about combining to
make a viable party?

Years ago I wrote a list of "five basic ability types" which any fantasy
genre party should be sure to cover, and IIRC it got included in a
net-based "RPG survival guide".

Let's see if I can remember it: Combat, stealth, diplomacy, healing and
meta-magic, with the last entry meaning the ability to work with magic;
spells such as Detect Magic, Analyze Magic and Dispel Magic.

Obviously that list is not appropriate for non-fantasy genre campaigns,
and anyway I could do with a new list for Modern Action RPG.

So here goes (and keep in mind, this is grounded in traditional
roleplaying gaming, meaning fairly heavy in combat and other physical

1. Combat. Specifically ranged combat and unarmed combat, because
sometimes engagements initiate at range, and sometimes you have your
weapons taken away. Melee weapon combat is useful, but much less so than
ranged and unarmed.

2. Stealth. Getting to and from places, meaning skills such as Hide,
Move Silently, Climbing and Lockpicking. Skills for dealing with traps
may also be useful, even in a modern setting.

3. Investigative skills. Highly useful to find out what's going on. This
deals not only with skills such as Acting and Disguise, and Research,
but also non-skill traits such as Contacts. Social skills also belong to
this category, both those skills that let you befriend people, and those
skills that lets you extract information from people (anything from
Language skills to Interrogation and Detect Lies).

4. Medical, although this depends much on how useful medical skills are
in the chosen rules system. I try hard to make them useful in Modern
Action RPG, and it seems to me as if GURPS 4E also tries to make them at
least slightly useful. If nothing else, a Poisons skill can be good to have.

... I think that's it. Perhaps make it a list of five: Ranged Combat,
Unarmed Combat, Stealth/Intrusion, Investigation (and Medical if it's
game-mechanically useful, or if you know from experience that the GM
will *make* medical skills useful).
Post by Ben Finney
* Lots of 70×120 mm index cards with adventure information, some
summarised from the adventure text but mostly written by me.
Handwritten? That's something I can't do. My handwriting is very bad,
and I fatigue quickly.
Post by Ben Finney
* One card for each scene, giving description of the scene,
success result, failure result (both of which contain a way to
proceed the story), and one thing that must happen somehow no
matter how the scene plays out -- i.e. the point of the scene in
the story.
Sounds like Dramatism to me, that last bit.
Post by Ben Finney
* One card for each physical location in the adventure that a
scene might occur in. A few words for each of: space, light
level, climate, dominant colours, sights, sounds, smells, and
I'd be more interested in a pre-made hex map of the places where the GM
anticipates combat. I expect that well-designed battle fields will do
much to make combat fun, although of course that's probably truer for
Modern Action RPG (with its great emphasis on physical movement) than in
systems such as GURPS.
Post by Ben Finney
* One card for each NPC: one side giving a compact character
sheet, and the other giving outward appearance: height, weight,
age, features, face, dress, motion, voice, demeanour, and a
typical quote.
There's a tricky ability in Modern Action RPG, that I'm not entirely
sure how to GM, but which I'd never in a million years not include in
the system: Sherlockian Gaze.

It's used to get extra information in people, based on the first
impression, very much in the style of Sherlock Holmes (or Adrian Monk to
a slightly lesser extent).

I guess my main concern is with PCs using such an ability on minor NPCs.
As for major NPCs, the possibility of player's characters having
Sherlockian Gaze will serve a gainful didactic purpose, in teaching GMs
to create their NPCs in advance (or, alternatively, becomes real good at
improvising real fast).
Post by Ben Finney
* One card for each of the types of dinosaur (the adventure
features lots of them), with just the character-sheet side
filled in.
* One card for each PC, giving the outward-appearance information
in the same format, and the other side giving background points,
significant relations, and motivations.
* A single card giving recent events in the 1930s, to get the
players quickly into the feel of the era. _GURPS Cliffhangers_
was invaluable for this.
Yeah, that section of the book is really, really neat. There's GURPS
Timeline, and there's a section for the 1950s in GURPS Atomic Horror,
and there's an absolutely ginormous "timeline" chapter in Pulp Hero,
divided by subject, but I like the presentation in GURPS Cliffhangers
the best.

There's also an old Hero System supplement, Danger International, with a
few pages on the mid 1980s (which I guess would be my favourite era for
Modern Action RPG campaigns). I wouldn't recommend anyone to pay more
than 5-6 dollars for that book, because most of the material is
bog-standard Hero System rules which everyone is already familiar with,
but I was able to borrow the book from a friend and then use another
friend's scanner, to get myself a primer on the international situation
of the mid 1980s.

Also, in general, the trick of "recent historical" roleplaying gaming,
which probably means anything more than 12 years ago, is in "doing the
time machine" well. I don't have a whole lot of ideas yet, but I know
I'll need to include a section on it in the Modern Action RPG GMing
advice chapter. How to take the players back into the near past, and
convey to them the feel of the setting, the attitudes and the most
important issues.
Post by Ben Finney
* A couple of cards giving weapon statistics for every weapon the
PCs were likely to have.
* Photos and images for every creature, PC, NPC, and location. For
the dinosaurs, I scanned my cards from the _Dino Hunt_ card game,
and freely substituted one dinosaur picture for a similar dinosaur
description if I didn't have a direct match. For the characters, I
spent hours on IMDb getting actor portfolio photos. For locations,
there is a lot of tagged photography on Flickr or Google Images.
Sounds useful. I'm not very visual, so I think I'd be happy with just
getting a bunch of (to scale!) pics of the most common modern weapons.
Or, failing that, silhouttes in the style of Feng Shui.
Post by Ben Finney
* _One Page GURPS_ handout for every player: a quick summary of the
game mechanics, and the meaning of the main points of interest for
interpreting the character sheet.
I looked briefly at that document of yours, quite some time ago, but I
didn't read it. My only real impression was that I'd have done the
layout differently, but I can't recall whether it was just a matter of
preference, or if there was any actual readability issues that I spotted.
Post by Ben Finney
This was all a lot of effort, but I felt that my main task was not to
learn the text of the adventure as written, or design well-balanced,
optimised characters. Instead, I took on the task of being ready for
The real problem isn't so much optimizing the pre-gen characters. It's
making sure that none of the characters are so un-optimized that
frustration is likely to occur in the player who plays that character.

In traditional roleplaying gaming, combat is likely to occur with some
frequency, so a good place to start is to ensure that all the PCs have
some combat ability, so that they can participate.

Other than that, one could simply base things off my "4 (5) key in-party
abilities" list. Everybody should be able to fight, but it's okay if not
everybody can fight at range. Unarmed combat could be the specialty of
only one PC (or two PCs in a larger party). One PC gets the specialty of
stealth, another investigation, and a third medical (provided that
medical skills are useful within the rules, or are required at least
twice during the anticipated adventure).
Post by Ben Finney
improvisation, coming up with quick answers and bullet-point
descriptions with which to help the players understand what their
characters were experiencing. I had to stop myself writing things in
prose, and instead go for *coverage* of the material and *breadth* of
sensory descriptions.
How did you handle Perception rolls? It seems to me that if one
pre-plans as much as you do, there's a strong obligation to also include
things which the PCs will only notice if they pass Perception rolls at
various difficulties...
Post by Ben Finney
As a consequence, I did almost no embellishment of the adventure
plot. Instead, the format I chose for locations, scenes, and character
descriptions forced me to come up with many *ways* of describing each
of them, rather than a lot of detailed prose on each one. The
interesting effect I found was that having the structured format for
these items meant that I was forced to be creative, *ahead* of time
when I could afford to take several minutes to think of an answer,
rather than not have that answer at all during play.
Being an introduction to role-playing for two of my players, I did
decide to change the plot of the adventure in one way. Rather than
start with "you have all been called together for blah blah blah, your
mission is yak yak, how will you go about it" -- I took a cue from one
of the PCs, to whom I had given the disadvantage of "Nightmares".
I decided that the plot would begin with *no* introduction, instead
immediately describing all the characters naked and running through a
dark forest, pursued by a monster that turns out to be a dinosaur; and
use the game mechanics to play out this scene however the players
decided to react. Then, once the scene had take a few interesting
points and required a few game mechanics to resolve, the character
with Nightmares would wake up in a cold sweat, realising it was all a
I've often thought about starting out with a sort of short "obstacle"
scenario, similar to what's found in computer games such as Half-Life or
Deus Ex, where the player is given the opportunity to learn about the
game and about his character's abilities.

One could do the same in an RPG. For instance, a reduced version of the
"Robin Sage" training programme used by the Green Berets, or a physical
obstacle course, complete with some wrestling against an NPC trainer and
use of the First Aid skill, and some kind of Stealth skill to sneak past
a guard.
Post by Ben Finney
This turned out to be a great success. Having lunched with the
players, handed over their characters, let them read about and to each
other about who they were and what their backgrounds were, this sudden
fight-or-flight scene with no explanation was an ideal way to snap
them to attention and get them using the game mechanics in
earnest. Maybe some players would be put off by such an introduction,
but my players found it a fun, risk-free way to learn how the game
would work -- and also introduce the plot, because the nightmare led
naturally into the "here's why you're here" scene, which I described
as a past event, *leading to* the nightmare as a result.
The rest of the adventure proceeded well from that point. Having got
How many hours did you play? Did you have scheduled breaks?

My plans are to have regular breaks, every 60 or 90 minutes (this being
much superior to people taking un-scheduled bathroom breaks), and to
include a longer meal break in the session. The meal break in particular
gives the players a chance to chatter about non-game issues, which is
especially useful if they're friends who don't often get to meet except
for those roleplaying gaming sessions.
Post by Ben Finney
their attention, I was able to keep it by using several different
senses of each location, several different external points of each
character, and making sure to mix up which of these I would use for
each one, so that the total effect was that the descriptions, while
short, were very varied and easily memorable to the players.
Using the printed images and photos was also a great aid as well.
Putting an image down and *then* describing the salient points of the
location/character/creature, meant that I didn't have to *name*
anything: the dinosaurs never got named, and the characters were often
Good thing none of the PCs had any Dinosaurology skills, then.
Post by Ben Finney
already well described before they got introduced by name. The players
all thanked me for this help, giving them something to focus on and
differentiate people and places as we charged through the adventure.
Running the game turned out to be more chaotic than I remembered from
previous times; this was likely because of a longish hiatus in my
GMing, but also because I had to explain the rules as we went along
(the new players would never have stood by for a long rules
introduction before play, so this was the only option for learning the
It shouldn't be difficult to get players to read a two-page rules
summary in advance.

I've written one such for Sagatafl, and given that Modern Action RPG is
much simpler (being much more focused on traditional roleplaying gaming
subject matter, without all the de-tours of systems such as GURPS or
Sagatafl) it should be easy to write a very good two-page summary, or
even a fairly good one-page summary.

(In fact I have a one-page summary already, where the one "Master Roll
Table" takes up almost half of the page, but that's all more than a year
old, and I'm sure I could make something better now.)
Post by Ben Finney
Here again, the preparation paid off: I had all the necessary
game-mechanic details of equipment, locations, characters, and
creatures in a box of index cards. Leafing through books happened a
few times, but if I couldn't find the answer in fifteen seconds, I
fudged a result. No-one minded, because they were enjoying the steady
pace of the story.
I was also able to avoid the impression of railroading the players by
allowing them to choose how to proceed, and making sure the
appropriate prepared scene happened in the places they chose to
I believe there's a rec.games.frp.advocacy term for this.
Post by Ben Finney
go. Both success and failure were defined for each scene, meaning that
I knew how much to help the PCs or NPCs in the next scene, and also
had a way of getting them there.
I asked the players afterward if they felt like they were in charge of
the story and they gave a resounding affirmative. Having lots of
Being newbies, that reply is pretty much guaranteed.
Post by Ben Finney
immediately-understandable information and clear game mechanics with
prompt answers from the GM meant they felt in control of their
actions. Having interesting things happen relevant to the places they
chose to go, it felt like *they* were the ones driving where the story
went, which was of course true.
The truth of the matter is much, much less important than the perception
of the players. If they percieve themselves to not be railroaded, that's
what counts. The problem is, fakery cannot be maintained for long, if
the players are experienced (and are not Dramatists), and that's why the
GM should be honest rather than a fake.
Post by Ben Finney
Everyone was excited by the idea of playing another, multi-session
adventure next time. The newbie roleplayers had found their groove,
I'd be very interested to hear what they thought about their character's
abilities, and how much they wanted to change, and how great changes
they wanted to make.
Post by Ben Finney
and were encouraged by their introductory adventure that *they* asked
*me* for access to the rules to make their own characters -- a
complete reversal of their attitudes before we played, where they said
they didn't want to do a whole lot of character preparation. This was,
of course, the desired result: I'd showed them how the GURPS rules
could be used to create interesting, detailed characters with
directly-understandable effects on the game mechanics.
Hopefully you also made sure to give each of the pre-gen characters
interesting abilities, instead of always going for the simplest and
easist types of abilities.
Post by Ben Finney
Things I'd do differently next time I need to introduce GURPS and/or
* Try to get the players together to discuss it, rather than trying
in one-on-one meetings to garner interest. This was constrained by
mismatched schedules, but it was a significant (months-long) delay
to have to discuss things pre-game with everyone individually.
Probably best for newbies, yes, but I'm not sure how necessary it is for
experienced roleplayers.
Post by Ben Finney
I'd try hard to get together for a dinner or something and spend
time discussing with all of them, to keep the interest alive. I
lost a couple of potential players because it was simply too long
between when I got their interest and when I said we were ready to
set a date.
* Try to find a group of *all* newbies. While the players worked
well together, the fact that one of them had RPG experience meant
the tendency was for them to defer to him for ideas. I had to work
hard to get ideas from the newbie players, and perhaps would find
it easier if there wasn't a clearly dominant player.
I'm not so sure, but if you give it a try, I'd like to hear how it went.
Post by Ben Finney
* Choose an even simpler adventure. _Time of the Tyrants_ was great
fun, but it really needs two or three sessions to do it justice,
especially with a group learning how to play. We crammed it into
seven hours, which was draining on all concerned. They won their
No meal break?
Post by Ben Finney
victory fair and square, but I had to strip the ending down a lot
to get to the resolution.
I haven't read that adventure. In fact, I make a point of not ever
reading any adventures or scenarios. But you're probably right that
something simpler would have been better.

Better, for newbies, to have an intense four-hour one-shot than a longer
and more drawn out seven-hour sessions.
Post by Ben Finney
* Have at least one large map ready for a full-blown combat, even if
I don't use tactical combat rules (which I wouldn't do with a new
group in any case). Simply being able to see relative positions of
Why not? Tactical combat movement is a great way to involve everybody in
Post by Ben Finney
situations was very important, simply for helping the new players
Yes, especially with regards to combat participation.
Post by Ben Finney
keep track of what was going on. A scribbled pencil map, and using
dice for miniatures, was sufficient, but would have been better
with simple figures and a prepared map.
There's a new set of Cardboard Heroes from SJ Games, for the Modern
genre. I haven't bought them yet (I expect I will sometime in the late
summer or early autumn), but if they're as good as the fantasy genre
ones, they're great.
Post by Ben Finney
* Use a table big enough to have the GM screen off to one side, so
that I've got somewhere to keep all my notes accessible but
hidden, but don't have a barrier separating me from the
Yup. My ideal GMing position is to sit half behind the GM screen, so
that I can write with my right hand, with my left side exposed.
Post by Ben Finney
players. Moving it as far to one side as I could on the small
table was nevertheless a big improvement in getting the players'
attention and involvement.
I've got a 2 square meter table (1.4 square meters when in "compact
mode"), specifically bought to be used for roleplaying gaming. It takes
up some room in my small apartment, but it'll be worth it.
Post by Ben Finney
* Drink and eat stuff without so much sugar in it. Crashing from a
sugar high several hours into a session isn't good for the
Yes, that sucks. But why not include a pizza break, half-way through the
session? Or 1/3 way through might be even better?
Post by Ben Finney
* Using GURPS. The fact that its core mechanics are simple, can be
essentially explained in a minute, and that it encourages as much
up-front calculation as possible to allow pre-figured quantities
All non-dinosaur systems utilize up-front calculation.
Post by Ben Finney
to be used in play, meant that I could do all my preparation work
and run from compact index cards for everything without extensive
referral to the rule books.
An interesting question: Can the new GURPS Character Assistant be used
to print out NPCs in "index card mode"? (For those of us who are
severely challenged in the handwriting department.)
Post by Ben Finney
GURPS was also useful in its flexibility and descriptiveness. The
players were able to guess what most of their abilities meant,
I won't always have that luxury, although I intend to bypass the problem
by, as much as possible, including an extra character sheet page where
each special ability of the character is explained.
Post by Ben Finney
once they knew where to look, because they're named by what they
do for the most part. The adventure chosen involved time travel,
1930s pulp heroes, ultra-tech bad guys, and dinosaurs; the
consistent handling of all this by GURPS meant that they never got
tripped up by weirdness in the rules, and were able to explore any
conceivable option and have me quickly describe a playable game
mechanic for it.
* I converted all GURPS statistics and mechanics to use SI (metric)
units, since we don't live in the USA. This was invisible to the
I've always been an SI kind of guy. I've read enough English language
fantasy and science fiction to be able to effortlessly concert from
Imperial to Metric and back, but few of my potential players can do
that, and anyway once you get to volume measurements Imperial gets real
strange (even area measurements are kinda odd).
Post by Ben Finney
players -- they never knew it was any other way -- but it made
things much smoother, as they were able to understand measurements
without needing to convert them all the time in their head.
* Stripping back the rules, and fudging results to keep the story
moving. During initial discussion about game style, all the
players were concerned about any exciting scenes slowing down and
devolving into arcane rules discussions -- the experienced
roleplayer because that's what his previous games had been like,
Much of that has probably been the fault of previous game designers, in
that they've failed to do their duty which is to provide clear and
fudge-light rules.

I've read most of GURPS 4E by now, and I see a clear tendency in that
kromm and Pulver has attempted to make the rules very clear and very
unambiguous, so as to minimize the *room* for rules discussion.
Post by Ben Finney
and the newbies because that's the stereotypical image. Keeping it
Most RPG rules systems, especially older ones, leave lots and lots of
room for rules discussion, because GMs prefer it when they can interpret
the rules according to current whims, and in the bad old days (i.e. up
until very recently), RPG rules systems were marketed to GMs and not to
Post by Ben Finney
light meant that I could hand each player as much game-mechanic
involvement as they wanted, and fudge the rest.
* Using a one-shot adventure with disposable, GM-created
characters. Their first session isn't the time to be getting the
players into long abstract discussion of how abilities will work
in play, before actually playing a game. The characters they play
True to some extent, although giving each PC a couple of really cool
abilities will almost certainly make the game more interesting for them.
Post by Ben Finney
will be useful for inspiring them, but they shouldn't be tied to
their initial character choices until they have some play
The introductory adventure should also be playable in a single
session; getting the rush of a complete adventure with a
resolution is a big motivator to wanting to play some more.
Post by Ben Finney
* Making a variety of brief flavour material available in summary
form to the players about their characters, and just as
importantly, making it clear that it was all optional -- they were
to come up with their own characterisation using the material as
inspiration, not doctrine. They were empowered by this, and made
great use of their characters, right off the bat.
It also got them immediately interested in "fixing" what I had
done with the characters by making their own next time -- just
what I wanted.
That's excellent.
Post by Ben Finney
* Starting with action straight away, as a way to get the players
immediately using the game mechanics to learn by example. The fact
that I gave *no* plot introduction until after this scene was over
worked in my favour here: the players had no information to work
with except their characters' immediate situation, so they were
free to make quick decisions about what to do without considering
what this meant for the plot. It was also obvious to them that I
wouldn't let any of the players get removed from play without
first understanding what the hell the story was; but it was also
clear that they didn't yet know quite what the consequences
*would* be, so they made their decisions earnestly, and learned
* The bait-and-switch. I can't take credit for this, it's part of
the adventure as written: a trip back to the Cretaceous to
photograph dinosaurs turns out to have a totally different purpose
when they discover what's waiting for them there. Done right, in a
way that doesn't make the players complain "this isn't what we
signed up for", it gives the players a sense of discovery and
they choose to abandon or de-emphasise their initial goal in
favour of pursuing the more important one.
However, any kind of giving the players a campaign premise other than
what you've promised them risks invalidating their character creation
choices. Sometimes severely so.
Post by Ben Finney
It does need a decent initial hook though. It was clear that "you
go back in time to photograph dinosaurs" didn't have much appeal
for the newbie players; it was only with the "... and, of course,
something goes horribly wrong and you have an even bigger
adventure" that I managed to get them to agree, without revealing
what the twist was. When it was over, of course, they thanked me
for the plot twist; but if I had to do it again, I'd make the
initial hook something more appealing.
It doesn't sound as if your "plot twist" was all that big, after all.
Post by Ben Finney
* Shredding a linear plot into component scenes, and creating hooks
for each scene to progress the story without dictating what the
next scene must be. I was able to spin a consistent story that
went wherever the players wanted, and while many of the scenes
went unused, I was glad to have all of them there as material to
immediately draw on for progressing the story.
* Describing scenes, locations, characters, and creatures using
suggestive bullet-point phrases in the formal descriptive
structures shown above, rather than blocks of prose with mostly
abstract or visual description. This was a gold mine of creative
inspiration during play; rather than confused looks and distracted
players, I had them hanging on my words as I talked about sounds,
smells, temperature, textures, and insignificant but evocative
Did you include any subtle clues in your sensory descriptions? The kind
of clues that would warn off thoughtful players about lurking dangers?
Post by Ben Finney
I was also able to pick and choose how to characterise NPCs based
on their external descriptions using many facets, which naturally
involved the players in interacting with them rather than waiting
for a description to be fed to them.
* A big climactic conflict or combat scene. Keeping the rules simple
meant all the players were itching to test their capabilities
against the bad guys, and this was definitely the high point of
the adventure for everyone -- not least because it proceeded at a
faster pace than any other combat I've run :-) This pace allowed
me to spend more time on colourful descriptions of actions,
sparking off the ideas the players expressed before and during the
* Pictures, props, and anything else to look at or handle. The focus
and ideas this gave to the players made them immediately more a
part of the environment, and made them react far more as their
characters might. When describing how nasty a dinosaur's claws
were, they weren't thinking impassively in terms of game
statistics: they were looking at the actual claws, and reacting
viscerally to it as their characters would.
In order to do this, wouldn't you need to have some kind of scale
included in the dinosaur pics? Like a human-sized silhouette, for
Post by Ben Finney
This game was a blast for me to run, even though I'm exhausted as I
write this. I got a lot of help online from discussions and articles,
and I hope that this write-up can help some future GM plan a successful
introductory role-playing session for a group of newbies, using GURPS
or any other simple, flexible system.
Thanks for reading this far, and good luck in your gaming!
[0] From William H. Stoddard, but it probably didn't originate with
Peter Knutsen
2007-06-05 04:32:41 UTC
Post by Peter Knutsen
My preference is for "competetive storytelling", since that's what is
actually going on between the denizens of the campaign world.
wants to tell a story about how he achieves world domination. Gandalf
wants to tell a story about how Middle Earth is saved from Evil(tm), and
so forth. Since we have disagreement, the characters must "game it out"
to see who wins and thus gets to tell the story he wants.
Whilst I like that idea, I don't think that that's a great model for
introducing newbies to roleplaying. A more outgoing player is likely
to hog the limelight more when dealing with inexperienced players,
Post by Peter Knutsen
Post by Ben Finney
The adventure and rules were fairly familiar to me, but I only had a
week to prepare; it was either that or wait for a month or more, and I
wanted instead to get these people while the interest was still
So here goes (and keep in mind, this is grounded in traditional
roleplaying gaming, meaning fairly heavy in combat and other physical
1. Combat. Specifically ranged combat and unarmed combat, because
sometimes engagements initiate at range, and sometimes you have your
weapons taken away. Melee weapon combat is useful, but much less so than
ranged and unarmed.
2. Stealth. Getting to and from places, meaning skills such as Hide,
Move Silently, Climbing and Lockpicking. Skills for dealing with traps
may also be useful, even in a modern setting.
3. Investigative skills. Highly useful to find out what's going on. This
deals not only with skills such as Acting and Disguise, and Research,
but also non-skill traits such as Contacts. Social skills also belong to
this category, both those skills that let you befriend people, and those
skills that lets you extract information from people (anything from
Language skills to Interrogation and Detect Lies).
4. Medical, although this depends much on how useful medical skills are
in the chosen rules system. I try hard to make them useful in Modern
Action RPG, and it seems to me as if GURPS 4E also tries to make them at
least slightly useful. If nothing else, a Poisons skill can be good to have.
... I think that's it. Perhaps make it a list of five: Ranged Combat,
Unarmed Combat, Stealth/Intrusion, Investigation (and Medical if it's
game-mechanically useful, or if you know from experience that the GM
will *make* medical skills useful).
For a *modern* game, a techie/mechanic can be much more usefull than a
medic - there's not much a medic can do for a gun wound, on the spot.
A techhead might be usefull for the stealth stuff, or winging it with
the environment - moving a crane, hacking a security system, fixing an
old boat to escape the island, etc. etc. So for modern, I sustitute
"techie" to take the place of the traditional healer.
Post by Peter Knutsen
Also, in general, the trick of "recent historical" roleplaying gaming,
which probably means anything more than 12 years ago, is in "doing the
time machine" well. I don't have a whole lot of ideas yet, but I know
I'll need to include a section on it in the Modern Action RPG GMing
advice chapter. How to take the players back into the near past, and
convey to them the feel of the setting, the attitudes and the most
important issues.
I think period music is really good for this. And in the case of the
'60's and 70's, a lava lamp is a must. :-)
When I last introduced a newbie, I pre-made the characters, including
hers (a typical ranger type in a fantasy game), and made sure that she
was the only person who could solve a couple of the problems presented
- tracking the bad guys, looking out for quicksand, etc. and that
meant that the player felt she played an invaluable part in the
party's success. The actual role-playing she took to like a duck to
water, fortunately.


Thanks, Ben, for the OP. Handy stuff.
