2004-12-25 05:20:55 UTC
Sorry about posting this as a new topic, but Google Groups kept
rejecting my followup to the thread-in-progress, saying the Reference
header was too long.
to ballance!
I don't think I've said that rules alone can produce balance. I've even
said that I don't think a perfectly balanced set of rules exist. What I
*have* said is that a good game system needs very little balancing
input from the group.
designers is irrelevant.
and that the original rules are irrelevant to creating balance.
being useful or getting spotlight time is ALSO a balance issue?
A character who is useless or forgotten is normally a problem caused by
(1) poor play or (2) the group creating characters by the rules and
assumptions of the game, but then not playing the game using those same
rules and/or assumptions. This assumes that the rules are not poorly
tinker with than a poorly-designed, unbalanced set of rules.
rejecting my followup to the thread-in-progress, saying the Reference
header was too long.
It is quite possible that your group is unlike most other groups
while your conclusions are valid for that group, they are not valid
formost other groups.
If the rules alone produce balance then the group is IRRELEVANTto ballance!
said that I don't think a perfectly balanced set of rules exist. What I
*have* said is that a good game system needs very little balancing
input from the group.
If you are NOT arguing that a set of rules that will produce
balance regardless of the group exists or can exist then what
the F**K are you arguing?
That Sea Wasp is wrong in arguing that any balance produced by the gamebalance regardless of the group exists or can exist then what
the F**K are you arguing?
designers is irrelevant.
Cause that is the statement that you seem unwilling to accept,
that the rules BY THEMSELVES cannot creat balance.
Nope. I am unwilling to accept that only a group can provide balancethat the rules BY THEMSELVES cannot creat balance.
and that the original rules are irrelevant to creating balance.
So as long as a given ruleset is unbalanced for some group,
somewhere, sometime, that is following all the rules that
ruleset cannot be a counter-example to Sea Wasp's contention!
Which iteration of his contention?somewhere, sometime, that is following all the rules that
ruleset cannot be a counter-example to Sea Wasp's contention!
Generally, in groups I have GMed (which could be broken into
five groups with almost no overlap: high school, junior college,
earlyuniversity, late university and online), players were usually happy
with their PCs being useful in an adventure.
Now, how is this relevant to Sea Wasp's point, since a characterwith their PCs being useful in an adventure.
being useful or getting spotlight time is ALSO a balance issue?
(1) poor play or (2) the group creating characters by the rules and
assumptions of the game, but then not playing the game using those same
rules and/or assumptions. This assumes that the rules are not poorly
1) Rules alone cannot create ballance.
1a) A group alone cannot create balance.2) Players and a GM can always create something that meets
their requirements and desires for ballance.
2a) A well-designed, tolerable balanced set of rules is easier totheir requirements and desires for ballance.
tinker with than a poorly-designed, unbalanced set of rules.