Halzebier, worshipped by llamas the world over, wrote...
Post by HalzebierPost by Jeff HeikkinenI thought it got the reviews it deserved right from the get-go,
I thought the D&D crowd was expecting way too much. They seemed to
think it would deliver what LotR did later. Fat chance and no wonder
they were disappointed.
I thought the movie was *entertaining* (which is a far cry from moving
me, inspiring awe or engaging me intellectually). Lots of flaws, but
it never pretended to be a serious movie.
Just out of interest: Did you like the two Conan movies?
I liked the first one and don't remember the second one well enough to
say - I haven't seen it since it was reasonably close to new.
I didn't go in expecting very much, but even I winced at lines like " A
*low-level* wizard..." Light entertainment it may have been, but that
doesn't make it immune to all judgements of quality. It was BAD light