Peter Knutsen
2004-12-07 05:08:46 UTC
This is a sub-rule for the spellcasting system of Sagatafl.
Things work much as they did when I posted about the FFRE
spellcasting system a long while ago, except things are a
bit more elegant now that I use d12s instead of d10s. (But
you don't have to go back and read the old posts to
understand this problem).
Spells are cast as a Task, meaning a series of dice rolls
each accumulating progress towards completion of the spell
(this was inspired by reports of the original non-d20
Soverign Stone RPG).
Spells can be cast normally, which means that you must chant
words and use mystical gestures, and each dice roll takes 1
Round (for most spells - some are natively faster or slower).
Or they can be cast using Casting Options. At an initially
severe penalty, you get get rid of chanting or of the need
for gestures, or you can cast much faster so that each roll
takes only 1 Second (1/6 Round). These can be combined, so
that you are both No-Gesture casting, Silent Casting *and*
Fast Casting, but at an extreme penalty to the Roll
Difficulty. (One can switch options from roll to roll).
Each of these penalties can be reduced by learning a series
of binary skills. The best you can get is a skill that
reduces the total for Silent Casting plus No Gesturs casting
to +1 Rd, from an initial penalty of something like +6 RD
(+3 for No Gestures, and +3 for Silent Casting). Likewise
the penalty for Fast Casting can be reduced from an initial
+4 RD to +1 RD (so that the best you can get is "Stealth
Casting" plus Fast Casting at +2 RD).
Now, the problem is, how do I avoid *all* the serious
spellcasters in the game world maxing out these binary skills?
Given that Sagatafl uses point-based character creation, I
can't require some kind of "quest" in order to learn these
binary skills, because the players are completely free to
simply purchase the privilege of their characters already
having gone on such quests and seen the light - and I'd be
doing the same with my NPCs.
So that's not a recipe for rarity.
Also, the recommended point values lead to generous skill
point budgets. So making those binary skills expensive won't
really work either. Even if I make them so expensive that
primary spellcasters built on 80 Goodie Points will most
likely not have them, primary spellcasters built on 100 GPs
will, and also part-time spellcasters built on 140 GPs.
My current solution is to have the higher of those binary
skills costs a small quantity of Essence (formerly called
"Life Force", but Bradd suggested Essence as an alternative
when I asked on the RPG-Create list). The highests and
next-highest skill from each "skill series" costs a small
amount. Essense is a personal and non-renewable ressource
that is used to render magic permanent (e.g. Enchant a
magical item, or turn an animal into a Familiar). The
Essence cost is not great, but I'm thinking that it will
serve to reduce the number of spellcasters who have maxed
out those skills, to a percentage that is less than 100% of
the population.
Because as soon as it costs Essence to max out Silent
Casting and No Gestures Casting, each individual spellcaster
will ask himself if it's worth the expense. Does he really
*need* "stealth capability" that badly? Is there something
else, something more useful (or fun - let's not forget that
many NPCs will use magic to fulfill various fantasies, even
if PCs very rarely do this), that he can spend the Essence on?
(The same question applies to Fast-Cast, although the
ability to cast spells quickly is of somewhat greater
general utility)
But can any of you people come up with an alternative
solution? It's not 100% metaphysically clean to use Essence
in this way. I can live with it, but if there is a better
solution, I'll be happy.
(And keep in mind that everything has to work from the
character's point of view. "Talking to the players" is a
nonsensical solution).
Things work much as they did when I posted about the FFRE
spellcasting system a long while ago, except things are a
bit more elegant now that I use d12s instead of d10s. (But
you don't have to go back and read the old posts to
understand this problem).
Spells are cast as a Task, meaning a series of dice rolls
each accumulating progress towards completion of the spell
(this was inspired by reports of the original non-d20
Soverign Stone RPG).
Spells can be cast normally, which means that you must chant
words and use mystical gestures, and each dice roll takes 1
Round (for most spells - some are natively faster or slower).
Or they can be cast using Casting Options. At an initially
severe penalty, you get get rid of chanting or of the need
for gestures, or you can cast much faster so that each roll
takes only 1 Second (1/6 Round). These can be combined, so
that you are both No-Gesture casting, Silent Casting *and*
Fast Casting, but at an extreme penalty to the Roll
Difficulty. (One can switch options from roll to roll).
Each of these penalties can be reduced by learning a series
of binary skills. The best you can get is a skill that
reduces the total for Silent Casting plus No Gesturs casting
to +1 Rd, from an initial penalty of something like +6 RD
(+3 for No Gestures, and +3 for Silent Casting). Likewise
the penalty for Fast Casting can be reduced from an initial
+4 RD to +1 RD (so that the best you can get is "Stealth
Casting" plus Fast Casting at +2 RD).
Now, the problem is, how do I avoid *all* the serious
spellcasters in the game world maxing out these binary skills?
Given that Sagatafl uses point-based character creation, I
can't require some kind of "quest" in order to learn these
binary skills, because the players are completely free to
simply purchase the privilege of their characters already
having gone on such quests and seen the light - and I'd be
doing the same with my NPCs.
So that's not a recipe for rarity.
Also, the recommended point values lead to generous skill
point budgets. So making those binary skills expensive won't
really work either. Even if I make them so expensive that
primary spellcasters built on 80 Goodie Points will most
likely not have them, primary spellcasters built on 100 GPs
will, and also part-time spellcasters built on 140 GPs.
My current solution is to have the higher of those binary
skills costs a small quantity of Essence (formerly called
"Life Force", but Bradd suggested Essence as an alternative
when I asked on the RPG-Create list). The highests and
next-highest skill from each "skill series" costs a small
amount. Essense is a personal and non-renewable ressource
that is used to render magic permanent (e.g. Enchant a
magical item, or turn an animal into a Familiar). The
Essence cost is not great, but I'm thinking that it will
serve to reduce the number of spellcasters who have maxed
out those skills, to a percentage that is less than 100% of
the population.
Because as soon as it costs Essence to max out Silent
Casting and No Gestures Casting, each individual spellcaster
will ask himself if it's worth the expense. Does he really
*need* "stealth capability" that badly? Is there something
else, something more useful (or fun - let's not forget that
many NPCs will use magic to fulfill various fantasies, even
if PCs very rarely do this), that he can spend the Essence on?
(The same question applies to Fast-Cast, although the
ability to cast spells quickly is of somewhat greater
general utility)
But can any of you people come up with an alternative
solution? It's not 100% metaphysically clean to use Essence
in this way. I can live with it, but if there is a better
solution, I'll be happy.
(And keep in mind that everything has to work from the
character's point of view. "Talking to the players" is a
nonsensical solution).
Peter Knutsen
Peter Knutsen