Silly poll: oldest campaign document
(too old to reply)
Del Rio
2006-12-04 17:28:48 UTC
I'm curious, what's the oldest (or really, I mean longest-used)
physical document from any of your campaigns?

I got to thinking about this recently because I was just
putting together an archive of scanned documents from a D&D
campaign that ran 1979 to 2003, and I found some really, really
old stuff, some of which had been in continual use over an
incredibly long time. Probably the oldest two were:
(1) a hand-drawn local area map of the starting area of the
campaign, that was in use from 1979 to something like 1999 when
I finally drew a better map.
(2) a hand-made AD&D character sheet from c.1980 that was in
continuous use until the conversion to 3E in 2000 or so. It
was done on yellow legal paper, and over the course of 20 years
as a working charsheet, it was was folded, spindled and
mutilated to the point where the paper had achieved a texture
like facial tissue.
"I know I promised, Lord, never again. But I also know
that YOU know what a weak-willed person I am."
2006-12-04 17:30:50 UTC
Post by Del Rio
I'm curious, what's the oldest (or really, I mean longest-used)
physical document from any of your campaigns?
I'd have to check, but I know I have stuff from at least 79 still
around and perhaps from 75.
Rupert Boleyn
2006-12-04 20:25:49 UTC
Post by Del Rio
I'm curious, what's the oldest (or really, I mean longest-used)
physical document from any of your campaigns?
The oldest I've got that still see use is a set of world and location maps
for a game world I designed in 1989, plus some notes on one of the nations
Rupert Boleyn <***@paradise.net.nz>
2006-12-06 03:29:47 UTC
Post by Del Rio
I'm curious, what's the oldest (or really, I mean longest-used)
physical document from any of your campaigns?
I'm pretty sure I still have (almost) all of my stuff from the
campaigns I ran in high school. (circa 1988 - 1992)
